1) Abort it
2) Have it and give it up for adoption
3) Keep it and raise it.
If you would encourage #3 - would you help her? How much?Mother's of teenage girls: What would you encourage your teenage daughter to do if she got pregnant?
My daughter is only 7 but it would depend a lot on how she is at that age. Ultimately it's her decision, she has to live with it, and I would not try to sway her. I'd simply give her access to the information and offer my support.
She will be livign with her decision long after I am dead and buried. Besides she got herself into it, she gets herself out. Always with my support but I'm not callign the shots.
I had my daughter when I was 20. It hasnt been easy but I made the decision that was best for me. I would never presume to know whats best for someone else.Mother's of teenage girls: What would you encourage your teenage daughter to do if she got pregnant?
I don鈥檛 have any kids but I can say that if I ever have a daughter who gets pregnant as teenager and she was under 17 , I would advise her to place the child for adoption. Now if she chooses to keep it I would help out but very minimal. She would know that this child is HER responsibility I didn鈥檛 create or adopt the child , its not my responsibility. I might purchase diapers for her and occasionally baby-sit, give a few pointers here and there, but that would be about it. I would not be a live in nanny or babysitter whom she could just deposit the child off anytime she wants, she would have to get some sort of employment to finical support the child. I would probably start a trust fund for the child.
I would not ever support abortion unless she had been raped, or carrying to term would likely result in her death.
My daughter was 15 when she was raped by her boyfriend and became pregnant. We have a beautiful little girl we adore now. I raised the child my daughter was still a child and needed to finish school(and many other things). She did what she could handle to help, but never bonded to the child. Her advice is if your young have an abortion. It is to hard to be daughter, child and mother. Live your life fist, there is lots of time to play house when your older. That is coming from some one who had lot's of help and support. As a family and being catholic we don't promote abortion but some times you need to do what needs to be done.
My mother forced me to get an abortion at 14 and my mother actually said herself that she made me do it because it was easier for her and it would make her look bad if I had had the baby. So now I cannot trust or confide in her...if I were to get pregnant again before 18, I honestly wouldn't tell her before I was at least 3 months because I will NEVER get another abortion again because I'd rather have the burden of that child then the burden of that abortion.
If my daughter became pregnant, I'd support any decision she chose and tell her the pros and cons of each option and let her make up her mind from that point. I'd help her with the baby until she finishes high school and has a steady job or goes to college and gets a steady job after graduating.
No mother should have the absolute final say in whether her daughter keeps her baby or not because the daughter is the one who has to suffer with the consequences the most.
well since i dont believe in murder either keep it or give it up for adoption someone will love the baby that cant have kids.
Keep it and raise it....Would I help her... I don't think I can...Wheres the dad...?
MOST guys are so dumb... They want to have sex, but not take care of their children...
giving a couple who is having trouble to conceive a baby is a beautiful thing and it is possible to do an open adoption
keep it and raise it. but only if she can support it. if not, then i would be best to put the baby up for adoption. I would help her, teach her to raise the baby, and show her how to do things during the early months, but it is up to her to support herself and the baby. i do recommend giving her a baby shower to help her get used to the idea of raising a baby and so that she has some things ahead of time that she'll need and enrolling her in birthing/parenting classes. if she needs a partner and the boy who got her pregnant is not around, you should be her partner.
I am not a mother of a teenager but a 6 yr old. I am however a friend of many of girls put in this situation. I have had friends abort and they dont regret it for a minute. I have also had friends who kept the babies and theyre life was very very hard. Growing up came really fast. So did reality. I have not however had any friends give up a baby . I feel that if the parents are involved they should try like hell to be very open with their daughters. I am now 29 and back then our parents never talked about sex or the possibility of getting pregnant.
parents should also talk about birth control. Well to answer the question I would back my daughter on #1 and #3 I would not allow her to give a baby up. If she didnt want anything to do with the baby I would take that place as a grandmother should.
I would encourage her to eaither keep it and raise it or put it up for adoption. There are plenty of people out there who want to have children and have tried for years but were unsuccessful, and they ready and willing to adopt a child and give it a loving home. Of course is she decided to keep it, I would want my daughter to finish high school and maybe go to junior college, but she will need your help. That doesn't mean that you raise her kid while she goes out and parties and hangs out with friends. She isn't a typical teenager anymore she would be a mother, and with that comes responsibility, and she has to accept that fact and be prepared to face it. I think you would be more of a guiding hand instead of the main one taking care of the baby. Just my thoughts!
I'm not a mother of a teenage girl....I'm not a mother at all....but later on in life when I do have kids and I have a teenage daughter and she winds up getting pregnant, I'd encourage her to keep it and raise it. I'd support her and help her with anything she needed.
I would prefer she did number 3 but I wouldn't encourage her to do anything because its her life not mine. I dont think it would be fair for me to tell her to do a certain thing because whats best for me may not be best for her. What ever she decided though I would help her because I love her. Also if she decided number 3 I would help how ever she needed me too, and I would let her know I will always be there for her no matter what
I am not against abortions. Sometimes I think they are necessary. Well anyways, I would always take her thoughts into consideration. Forcing het to do something is not right. She has rights.But I may want her to abort.DEpends on a lot of things if they arent looking to good.
Yes, help her since she raises the baby, do the home work as a house wife and get some job to feed the child.
Plus no more f.....m around (be very care full with the boys).
Make sure she does not get pregnant again.
I would let her make the decision and I would support her in every way possible. Whether it be holding her had or helping her raise the child.
have it and give it up
What is her age? Is she 13 years old or 19 years old makes a difference doesn't it.
I have two grown daughter and if they had been in this situation, my recommendation would have been based on their age at the time.
Having said that, I have always told them they could come to me for birth control. That I do not condone teen (high school age sex), but if they choose to have relations, I'd would rather they get my help than none at all or from other people who may or may not know what they're talking about.
I am Catholic.
Yes, I am pro-life, but I am also a realist who believes that it's easy to talk the talk and very very difficult to walk the walk.
Those who judge girls in this situation who have never had to deal in real terms with a situation like this should really just keep their opinions to themselves and consider themselves very lucky.
My answer would probably be #2 if I had to help a teenage girl with an unwanted pregnancy.
I would help in every way I possibly could, no matter what the choice.
Really no easy choices are there?
I am 25 years old and do not have a teenage daughter, but I think it depends on the exact age and maturity level of the teenage girl. If she is younger than 16, I would suggest abortion or giving it up for adoption. If she is 16-18, then I think she could keep it and raise it. Yes, I think that as a grandmother, help would be expected as a babysitter, a guidance tool, etc.
i would encourage her to have the baby. regardless of what she decides to keep it or give it up 4 adoption i will help her. Abortion would not be a choice. i would tell her she shouldnt kill an innocent child because she made a mistake. i would also tell her she needs to grow up and be accountable for her actions. If she did keep the baby, i would help her in ANY way possible, financially or emotionally.
Keep and raise it -
This is why: teenagers need to learn responsibility for their actions.
I would certainly help her out - but I would not help her in an area where she wasn't willing to help herself. She would continue going to school and working a weekend job to save money. I would match the money she saved for the baby and buy necessary items.
I would help her with getting a babysitter so she can finish school (a VERY important thing!) but only for as long as she kept some kind of job.
I was 15 years old when I got pregnant. I sat down with my mom and gave her the news, she was devastated, but told me my options, told me she loved me, and told me that she would support me no matter what I chose. She made it clear that she would not raise my child, and that she still expected me to graduate High School. I promised I would. And I did...but I did it with a baby on each hip...I went to a school where I could take my babies with me, which was helpful. My mom was always there to show me how to take care of them, but made me do everything with my sons myself. I was only allowed to go out without my boys for 1 night a week. And I still had a curfew....I'm 33 now, my boys are 17...and life is good! Email me if you need to chat... Good Luck.
keep it and raise and i possible stay with the father of the baby, abotion and adoption are likely to be regreted in later life and option3 is better all round and would teach her about respsability
I would encourage and EXPECT her to keep it and raise it. And if she couldn't or wouldn't I would raise it myself.
Why would my love for my children end at my own? Why wouldn't it continue to my grandchildren?
Ugh, just the thought of killing my grandchildren makes me want to hurl.
Support her no matter what she desides. It is her decision and no matter what only she can make it. If she chooses to carry the child make sure she is taking care of her body properly (eating the right foods, doctors visits etc...) If she give the baby up, I would suggest helping her pick out a family that will love and treasure him/her. If she keeps it help her in any way you can. Encourage her to finish school that is most important, Remember that she is still your child but now she too is a mother. Tell her that if she wants help, just to ask for it. You can only help her as much as she wants to be helped.
I would encourage her to be resonsible and to ask me for help when she needed it only as I would want her to learn to mature along with her baby growing. I would ask that if she made mistakes that she made them on her own raising the baby so that she could learn how to be a mother, the best way she could be.
If she chose adoption, I would support her to find an open adoption so that she can try and be as involved as she wants in her baby's life.
I would never to encourage anyone to abort their baby but it would depend on my teenage daughter whether I would encourage her to put the baby up for adoption or keep and raise the child. If she chose to raise the child I would help her in any way that I could but I would make sure that she did most of the work because she needs to know that she made a child and not just a cute little doll that I would have to take care of.
I understand that this is a difficult situation for you. However, to me, the best way to deal with it would be to give the child up for adoption. I feel that abortion is wrong, but i also don't think that ANY teenager is ready to take care of a child. If you make sure that the child goes to a good, responsible family, then you will feel good, knowing that the child is having a good life, and your daughter will be able to continue with her life
I would encourage her to keep it and raise it. I don't think I could live with the idea of aborting it or not knowing where my grandchild is and I would help in any way I could.
Im answering from the other side of this question.
I was a teen mom and when I sat down with my mom and told her she gave me those 3 options. That was 6 years ago and i still thank her for being there for me. She let me choose what i wanted to do and said that she would support me no matter what.
I decided to keep the baby and she was there for me every step of the way. I raised the baby on my own but she was there to assist me the same as any mother would be!
Anyway im sure this isn't the answer you were looking for but i thought i would answer anyway.
Have it and give it up for adoption. Thats what I did. That seems the best for the baby
Door #1!! Door #1!! Unless she was too far along, then door #2. Then I'd give her depo shots in her sleep so even if she won't be smart and responsible with her body I won't be a grandmother before my time.
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