Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can I get at least one Christian to condemn underage teenage sex?

I know you can't all be Sarah Palin supporters. I'm not asking for a Rev. Phelps diatribe here, just a simple reason why teenagers shouldn't have sex, and maybe a word about the parents who would allow these kind of shenannigins to go on.Can I get at least one Christian to condemn underage teenage sex?
Well of course all sex outside of marriage is a sin for a Christian. But we don't know if Palin's daughter and her boyfriend have repented of their sin, and confessed to the Lord. Because if they have, they are forgiven. And they are going to get married, so that's also good.

Really, if you know the Bible, Godly parents can have ungodly children, let alone a child who sins and has to face the consequences.

David was a ';man after God's own heart'; and he committed adultery and then arranged a man's death to cover it up.

So Believers do slip and fall. By God's Grace, they also stand up again.Can I get at least one Christian to condemn underage teenage sex?
I can tell you a reason why people who aren't ready to have children shouldn't have sex. Because sex leads to children. Two of my friends had kids in high school out of wedlock and it made things VERY hard on them. THey used birth control (actually both condoms and BC) but the point is, it is only 99% effective, so if you plan on having sex over 100 times expect a baby. I have two other friends who got pregnant and had abortions and that is another unwanted consequence of teenage sex when people don't want children. Also, quite a few kids in my town ended up with herpes and other crap like that (thankfully no AIDS) but this should all have been explained to you in sex ed. No offence.

Waiting for marriage is a good societal norm because then children grow up with a stable family where they feel loved not like an inconvenience to a teenage mother whose drunk hookup is nowhere to be found. Raising kids is no joke and if you're not ready for that, you're not ready for sex. Also, consider who you're having sex with because you may just have to give them half your pay check for child support for the next 18 years or marry them even though you barely know them.
First off,

Christians don't condemn. Only God has the power and authority to do that.

Now, do I condone underage teenage sex? Well, I don't condone any premarrital sex at all. And I don't have to be a republican to know that teenage pregnancy is inappropriate. As a Christian any fornication is intolerable to God; when you have sex with someone, you become one with them. And females that have sex have dead seeds (sperm) inside of them. Those seeds don't just disappear. They stay in you. Dead. When you're a Christian, you realize that your body is not just some toy that you flop around to anyone who wants to play with it; it is handcrafted by an almighty God who loves you. And when you realize that your body is belongs to the Lord, you just don't treat it any ole kind of way. You treat it with respect.

But the average American mom can't understand that if she's not a Christian so she's just going to tell her child, ';make sure you have safe sex.';
Do you remember when you were a teenager? Your parents aren't around all the time and if you make up your mind to do something, you're gonna do it. ';Allowing'; them has nothing to do with it.

It would be my preference that when my daughter becomes a teenager she will decide to wait until marriage before having sex. But let's be realistic, just because I want that for her doesn't mean it's going to happen. All I can do is teach her the best I can and trust her to make the right decisions. I want to be a parent that my children can trust to talk to instead of hiding things.
We all condemn the act, but what are we supposed to do? Kick the kid out and never speak to them again? Refuse them help, ban the kid as a bastid?

Get real, we all know it's a bad thing, those kids are doomed to low wages and a life of hard work and misery if their parents don't step in and help them continue their education and support them and the child for at least awhile.

It's this little thing we grown-ups call love.
I think kids should wait until they are married or have been living with each other and taking responsibility for each other to a degree that goes beyond paying for each others beer at the bar. If they are willing to engage in an act that could lead to having children then they have to ask themselves if their chosen partner could handle that...and handle it well, not just barely by getting on the welfare system. Of course, these are my ideals, and I would certainly try to keep my kids from having sex too early, but I'm no fool, I know teenagers can get away with what ever they are going to do...

I just pray God will give them the wisdom to listen to the advice and examples the adults around them can provide.

Parents don't necessarily ';allow'; any of this to happen, kids are clever and can work around parents...

Palin is McCain's other trophy wife ;-)
i cant believe you just used the word ';shenanigans';

Sex isnt something mischievous or sinful when done right. Put the age aside, being a teenager has nothing to do with it. People of all ages are capable of making mistakes by getting pregnant at a time when they arent prepared. you could be 40 years old and still not mentally stable enough for an intimate relationship. or you could be 17 and handle it just fine.
No one should have a child until they are ready to support him/her emotionally, financially and physically. They also should know they themselves will have a support system (someone always there, like a spouse) when the child-raising gets hard.

No one who isn't ready to have a child should do the things that makes a child, regardless of age or gender.
You say ';parents who would allow these kind of shenanigans to go on'; as if parents can really control what their teenager does all of the time -_-

While I'm not pro teenagers having sex just for the sake of it and getting into all kinds of trouble because of it, I think it can be acceptable if the two people involved really want to spend the rest of their lives together.
Everyone can sneak off and do things they shouldn't. Who watches their kids 24 hours a day? When I was growing up, I had TONS of freedom

It IS a crying shame, that in spite of what we think now- that we are so enlightened- that kids are still as dumb as they ever were. High School girls really DO think the boy ';loves them'; and will marry them and be a knight in shining armour. They are so dumb as to forget duuuh- you're both still in High School, living with Mommie and Daddy. You can't even take care of yourself yet. What the heck are you thinking- taking a chance of a pregnancy?

It is wrong on so many levels. Even religion aside- it's pretty dumb of kids. But look at what our TV is programming everyone with.

TV has really sunk into the slime. It shows everyone sleeping around and it's ';cool';. The white kids listen to rap music with lyrics about using women for sex- and the kids are brainwashed into saying ';cool';...

Anyway, It is wrong. But it happened. Until the drug companies come up with pill for smart along with Viagra and everything else under the sun- we'll continue to have dumb young kids having babies.

And the thumbs down trolls- don't flame me- I know where of I speak. I have a younger sister who was so dumb and guess who ended up raising the kid, actually. Grandma. And poor sis had a real hard time of it. Have a baby- you lose your freedom.

I left home for the big city and as free as a bird lifestyle- while sis was stuck stuck stuck. I honestly think she should have put the kid up for adoption.
i am not a Palin supporter......

of course it is wrong....fornication is wrong!

i answered your question earlier....not supporting her for being pregnant.....but admiring her that she did not get an abortion.

fornication is wrong at any age........

so is adultery......


sexual perversion......

any type of sexual immorality is a sin according to the Holy Bible!

But who are you to condemn her?

You should leave that part to God.

as always....peace to everyone

with love....';D';
Kids shouldn't be having sex. But I'm not about to judge the parents. No parent watches their teenager 24/7. All teenagers do things their parents wouldn't want them to do. Place the responsibility where it belongs: on those who are actually having sex.
i think we should educate them treat them like adult tell them the good, the bad, and the ugly of sex

show them pictures and give them all the facts that the whole word has on it bust all the myths on sex and so one

please just check this out:

I don't know why I would have to be a Sarah Palin supporter to think that kids shouldn't have sex. Stuff happens, ya know?

But I do think that teens should abstain until they are mature enough to know what they are doing.

There, happy?
OK, I think that kids are having sex far too young, there are far too many diseases, far too many babies born to babies. I suppose the parents could cage them? I am not going to condemn kids that mess up. EDUCATION maybe.
Probably not because they're all at it.

The artificial age barrier to sex is a religious concept and although it might be beneficial to society in some ways it is totally artificial.
Me condemning it is like spitting in the wind and blowing back in my or your face !!!


Will God bless or punish America ???
Underage and teenage has nothing to do with it. God condemns all sexual activity outside of marriage, and so does His Church.
Christians are not supposed to condemn others

-That's passing judgement ,a job best left up to a higher authority

I think this would explain best what the laws are. Perhaps you can determine what you mean by ';underage'; after looking at it.
Scriptures condemn all sex outside of marriage and all sex period between same gender. There, I said it.
Well if I were a Christian, I would say that premarital sex is a sin and so is lust. An unmarried teenager would then be sinning big time in opening her legs.
All sex outside of marriage is a sin

And the wages of unrepented sin is DEATH !


It's ok when a Republican politicians daughter is the underage teen.
Not until after the election, at the very least.
Jamie Lynn Spears was a total whore until Bristol came along.

I have no right to condemn but I will say it is not at all in line with a Christian lifestyle.
I think a lot of people irrespective of their beliefs are going to say that it's not a good idea.
Why they have been doing it since mans creation.
She's Republican so it's alright. Everybody else is a whore that will burn in Hell.
tell me, what is considered not underage?

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