Friday, August 20, 2010

What do you think about temporary sterilization say from age 13 - ? to help solve the teenage pregnancy issue?

This question is not really from me, but from one of my students. He said that if they temporarily sterilized both boys and girls, say at age 13, and then had people purchase, say for $25,000, the sterilization correction drug, then that would help curb the teenage pregnancy problem. What do you think? Do you think our government might eventually enforce such a plan?What do you think about temporary sterilization say from age 13 - ? to help solve the teenage pregnancy issue?
Or we could just be more responsible parents and stop letting our children have sex...

Just a thought.

I don't think the government would enforce it, but I'm not going to say that the OPTION would never become available. I mean, look at what kinds of chemicals we already put in our bodies...What do you think about temporary sterilization say from age 13 - ? to help solve the teenage pregnancy issue?
Well, first of all, we don't have a ';teen pregnancy'; problem.

We have a PREGNANCY problem.

Regardless of the age, our planet is quickly becoming overcrowded.

I suspect that something will be done, but it won't be until the problem has gotten out of hand. And I doubt that a sterilization drug would be used. Too expense, plus you can never be sure of what the side effects would be. More than likely, starvation, war and legislation will come to bear on this issue.
1. The Government can't enforce that.

2. Not all teenagers have sex, so why should all teenagers have to pay $25,000 to purchase a sterilization drug?

3. It could cause problems like what if the correction drug didn't work? What if it left the teenager permanently infertile? How much would this cost the government when a large number of people were suing them for making them infertile?

4. This will never ever work
If there were a temporary sterilisation technique then I think we should put all welfare recipients on it.

I think it is a shame how they continue to have kids while on welfare, with us supporting and subsidising their parasitical lifestyle.

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