I'm doing a presentation on Teenage pregnancy for an oral exam and I want to know the main reasons of teenage pregnancy. Any links and websites would be welcome. Thanks xWhat do you think are the main causes of teenage pregnancy?
Teenage hormones combined with teenage stupidity.What do you think are the main causes of teenage pregnancy?
Ok I was 17 when I found out I was pregnant.. I had a great up bringing and very secure home.. I knew all about the birds and the bees and i knew fine well what I was doing when going that step further with my boyfriend.. I really did think that Nah, it would never happen to me.. Sex is so put out there, it has nothing to with your background, its on are tv adds, its in our music videos, its advertised everywhere.. Teens are explorers and that's what they think is the right thing to do when with there partner, also a lot of teens would feel pressured, just like smoking or taking drugs.. With teens its all about reputation and competition.. No matter where a teen is from or there back ground, if they are going to do it they will do it..
I think the main causes are not because teenagers these days are all stupid and reckless and when our parents were our age they all were sensible blah blah blah. I agree that alcohol is a big problem, due to the credit crunch I believe more people who need money are sinking lower in their methods to get cash. What I mean by that is more people are willing to sell products to underage people.
Also, I think condoms should be either cheaper or free. Then more teenagers might think twice before not using one. I know I have thought I wouldn't buy an important item and bought something else instead. So why wouldn't someone do that with condoms?
Another thing is, I think that too much pressure is being put on teenage girls especially to loose their virginity by their boyfriends. But, it is okay for the boy because he isn't the one who is going to have to look after a kid for the rest of their lives.
Another theory, because teenage girls are growing up quicker they are starting to feel more horny at an earlier age. I think this might be due to the internet in a way. I mean, how easy is it to access porn on a computer. You can type in a wrong address and get a porn site. Then through curiosity after friends putting pressure on them, they watch a video and get turned on by this. Then they have sex.
I hope I helped good luck with your exam x
Honest opinion?
I think its a bit of everything, from alcohol to parents, even the teenagers themselves.
Teenagers are starting to drink and smoke really young, all this just to look big around their friends.
They are only having sex to feel grown up, not because there's chemistry.
A bit like drinking, there's so many young drinkers around, all because they wanna grow up quickly...
I knew a friend...she used to go out and get wasted too often, we used to do a lot of weed too...
Well I'll tell you one thing...she is 16 and engaged...now she must have been dying to grow up!
Another reason I reckon is the parents , if there's so many teenagers around drinking and having unprotected sex and getting pregnant is because they never actually bothered sitting down with their son/daughter and have a good long chat about sex and pregnancy and stuff.
Yes, now school do Sex Ed(ucation), but they don't do it long enough, usually its just for one term, which means only 6 lessons...
I reckon whoever is incharge of our learning should spend more time on sex ed, maybe give the school the money to take us around, show us what its like to really be pregnant and have a baby...
Maybe give us one of them plastic dolls that you have to look after
I hope what i said made any sence and helped you XD
Good luck with your presentation :) x
Alcohol/raging hormones/lack of contraception/wanting to please a boyfriend/not believing it will happen to them
In this day and age, I don't think lack of education is really to blame. In the 1950s, people didn't discuss it and there were married couples had no idea how to conceive! Nowadays, I can't understand for one second how a teenager would not know how a baby was made. Most 11-12 year olds are pretty clued up these days, if only from the playground and TV.
Maybe it's more the feeling of invincibility in teens that is more to blame.
drinking, you get drunk do a stupid thing with no protection
peer pressure, the whole ';everyone is doing it thing';
the lack of sex education because then teenagers learn from each other and idiotic things like ';you can't get pregnant if you on top'; comes out.
Sex, Poor sex ed in schools, Drunken parties, lack of parents teaching morals, bad examples in the media and by some parents.
Also lack of contraception (both use and in some areas availiablility)
Hope this helps and good luck with the presentation.
Well, here are a list of things that I believe play a heavy role in teen pregnancy -
Alcohol and Drugs, usually at parties and whatnot.
The media and shows on TV where most people lose their virginity at 16.
Peer pressure from friends.
They might feel embaressed to get condoms or something.
A girl and guy hear about it, they enjoy the orgasms at home.
They don't stop to think about the consequences, one thing leads to another and when their alone their lustful thoughts kick in and completely neglect the condoms.
The time of orgasm comes and the boy isnt trained to pull out, so he never can control the urge to pull out.
Baby is born.
well i don't think their is a cause, I am a teen mom and things just got out of control and everything and we used a condom and everything but the only reason i ever did anything is because of my hormones so i don't think their is a cause,it has nothing to do with bad parenting or not enough attention it just happened so there is no cause that gets teens pregnant
I do not understand why people associate teen pregnancy with drink and drugs i was 18 when i had my first baby and i do not drink take drugs anything just an accident ( yes i was using contraception ) that turned into a miracle been with my partner 5 years have 2 beautiful children we both work pay our own way so do not see anything wrong with having children young ?
i'll go with ignorance. schools do not allow sex ed anymore, parents are too embarrassed to chat with their kids. kids don't want to go to their parents b/c they were taught ';sex is bad';. abstinence only lasts for so long. then we need to know how NOT to get preggers.
i would go to the planned parenthood website or something similar. good luck!
I don't know. People i guess don't want to be old mom's like there's. Humiliating. To embarrassed to buy condoms so they do it with out.
x love jessi
x 13 yrs,
Not keeping your legs shut when you should????
The government making it easy for teenagers to have babies with free council houses and benefits.
personally i think alcohol is probably quite a big problem i also think that people get quite embarresed 2 talk about sex and condoms etc
Maternal Instinct.
Thumbs Down If You Want But I Have Been There !!!!
Unprotected sex
Unprotected sex is the only one.
personally i think its bad upbringing and no home training.
charity they said begins at home
unprotected sex.
how else do you get teenage pregnancy?
Not wearing a condom, like all pregnancies. Durrrrrr.
bad sex education or just teens not thinking that it will happen to them
um sex?
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