I had to, I didn't have a clue what to do. And she'd kind of notice if all of her pads were missing.How many teenage girls do you think never tell there mom about there period?
Yes, I am one of those girls who didn't tell her.
I think that is is very hard to do because you need them to buy pads for you. Also isn't your mom going to figure out when your 18 and you haven't asked for pads? I know somebody who was 17 when she stared and was going off to college in a month so she just went to the store and got some and never told her mom.
I was 11 when I first got mine. I knew exactly what it was and what was causing it. I was lucky enough to be home when mine first started (many of my friends were unlucky enough to have theirs start at school). I happened to be sitting on the toilet when I discovered blood. I remember a momentary feeling of disgust and inconvenience before I called for my mother so she could tell me where she kept her pads. It was never a big deal for me. While my mother was a nurse before my parents got married, I don't ever remember her discussing the birds and bees with me. I don't remember a single conversation about puberty. Most of what I remember learning was during sex ed. at school, my own research at the library and paying attention when other kids in my school talked. By standing back and just listening, I was able to determine on my own what was fact and what was fiction.
It's too bad how many girls these days are afraid to talk about this stuff with their mothers or doctors and how many believe all the lies told about puberty and sex. I know education isn't the same as when it was when I was a kid, but based on what I witness every day, parts of it should be the same.
i told my mom. i just flat out told her.. at first when i was embarrassed i would leave her notes, but now i just tell her i need some ';stuff';. i think it would be terrible not to tell your mother, it is something your mom can help you with, and she wants to be able to help, and have importance in her daughters life. so, i say too many girls don't tell their moms.
Most of my friends had gotten their period before I had gotten mine. I started out with a little bit of blood on my underwear, the morning before school. I was too embaressed to tell my mom so I just left it alone (stupid me). Then, it got heavier at school and I didn't know to ask the nurse for some pads so I left it alone til I got home. It leaked onto my jeans, but I don't think anyone noticed.. I got home and told my mom there was blood on my pants, and she taught me how to use a pad. It was the day my crush asked me out too!
at first, i didn't tell my mom but eventually did
I was so scared when I got my first period. The first person I told was my sister and she encouraged me to tell my mom but I didn't enjoy telling, I felt embarrassed about it. My cousin says she phoned her mother right away when she realized because she panicked and thought she was hemorrhaging!
i think many do. i havent had mine yet, and im still thinking on how i should or shouldnt tell my mom...
i just dont want my dad to find out..any advice.
I didn't want to but you're gonna eventually have to cuz I didn't know how to use pads.
I told my mom After my first period, I REALLY didn't want to but I did. It's not like your going to buy pads for yourself.
:D Best of luck
You have to. Not like you have the money or ride to go get pads yourself. I got mine when I was 11. So I had to tell. I never told my dad though, Im 14 now and he still dosent know.
well my mom knows ive gotten it yess its obvious but i dont liek telling her about it i dont kno why i just dont
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