Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Adults can be bad parents. Why are people only singling out teenage others?

Yes, I admit that not every teen mom is sucessful, but stop singling them out. Adults think that they are better than us when it comes to parenting,but most adult parents are just as bad as teen moms. My friend's parents smoke and do drugs. So there. They just like to make teens feel bad about them selves because of their age.Adults can be bad parents. Why are people only singling out teenage others?
I agree with you.

Teenage mother does not automatically equal bad mother, and adult mother does not automatically equal good mother. There are good and bad from each side.

I think what a lot of people don't realize is that a lot of teenage mothers that keep their babies really are trying their best and wish they could give them everything. They're owning up to their ';mistake'; (for lack of a better term).

Baby boy-

she never said adults were worse. Read.

She didn't say all adults were worse.

Stereotypes are never okay.

How is that competing? I was just letting everyone know that I'm someone coming from one side and defending the other.

I'll change the format for you though...sorry.

Btw, I'm 20.Adults can be bad parents. Why are people only singling out teenage others?
I agree that many adults make bad parents, and I also think that there are TONS of teenage parents out there who are wonderful and way better at parenting than their ';adult'; counterparts. I think the main reason people single out ';teen'; parents as being irresponsible, etc is because teenagers are still kids themselves. Your teen years and early twenties are a fun time to get to know yourself as a person, sew some wild oats, etc, so that you're ready to settle down and get serious when the time comes. I guess a lot of adult people get it in their minds that teen parents are missing out on a big part of their young lives that they will never get back, and that's why they're upset. But I agree, there are lots of great teen parents out there and maybe they do get singled out a bit. :(
Teen and adult parents can both not be good parents, and both can be. People, teens or adults, make mistakes and on both ends some people who probably shouldn't be having children have them anyway. The majority of parents are adults though, so they're more quick to single out teen mothers as being irresponsible, not thinking things through, etc. And sure, you hear stories in the news about adults leaving their babies in hot cars, but a much bigger deal is made out of a young parent doing the same thing (not saying it's good or ok to leave your baby in a hot car, I was just using it as an example), but it's done because people associate teenagers with inexperience and immaturity. And that's not always right either, because adults can be just as bad or worse. But adults control the media, and so more negativity is put out there about teen mothers, not adults who have kids and don't know what they're doing either.
l actually support teen parents

i feel that nobody should be left behind or out because of who they are, and how they live

ive seen many horrible adult parents %26amp; abusive and crule..yelling adult parents.

when people ';claim that teen parents cant be good parents

thats like saying

Example--%26gt; one race of people act a certian way

which isnt true.. there maybe some people in a race that act that way but there could be others that are different %26amp; dont act that way';

the same principle goes here for teen parents

sure there could be horrible teen parents

but on the other side there could be wonderful parents too

see not all of them are the same

last year one of my friends got pregnant and the way people acted and treated her was horriffic.

i couldnt belive that people felt that way about her being a parent at 16. people talked behind her back and called her out of her name.. adults didnt want their childern to hang out with her anymore.

i was one of the few people that supported her though this time. i offered to help her.. %26amp; stuff

so basically.. i think that teens can be good parents

and i support the ones who do take care of their babies

I was a teen mother with 2 babies. I had lots of adults look down on me for everything I did. Even my own step dad which sucked as a parent to me and his own children looked down on me for my choices.

I am not and was not a perfect parent but I did my best!

I still do my best and I don't look down on teens for having babies. My mother had me when she was 15 and I know she did her best.

People are just too quick to judge anymore. They are don't understand and just like to attack the teen mothers. Some teens are very responsible and are more mature than adults.

Just because you are 30 and have a child compared to a 16 year old having a child doesn't make you better. The 30 year old could be a mental, emotional and physical abuser while the 16 year old isn't.

Everyone is different, age doesn't tell if you are a bad parent or not.

People never stop to think before they bark!

Good Luck and God Bless
Because it's a stereotype that many people succumb to. Not all Adults are horrible parents just like not all Teen's are horrible parents. But by stating that adults are worse than teenagers is making you the same as them. You are juding them the same way they judge teen parents. It's not fair on either side.

EDIT- 'Adults think that they are better than us when it comes to parenting,but most adult parents are just as bad as teen moms' 'And if you defend the adult parents, just forget about earning 10 points'

Yes, she did....

SO, if we don't agree with your 'question/rant' that means we're wrong?
they feel that because of you're age you are not ready to take care of your self let alone a child. I agree with you however, my mom was 26 when she had me a she was a heroine addict so i went without alot until I was able to start looking out for myself. I had my first child at 14, I worked, finished school and am now in college earning a degree and my childed hasn't had to want for anything materially, or emotionally. It depends on your values and how much that child means to you not your age.
It's a stereotype, but I think it's coming from somewhat a adequate place. A teenager's decision making skills are not fully developed, and they are still growing up. They aren't done with their education, and can't have a full time job without dropping out.

I'm not saying a teen parents can't be successful; they certainly can be. But, it's just a lot easier and more likely to be successful when you are an adult.
I completely and totally agree with you!!! You're right. Not every teen mother is succesful, but some are very good moms. It all depends on their maturity level. Some teen moms are BETTER than some adult moms. If the pregnancy was planned, then the teen is obviously ready to become a mother. If not, and they decide to keep it, they're ready to be a mom too! Everyone should DEFINATELY stop singling out teens. Thanxx for pointing this out!!
I dont know why, but it seems that most people that get prego young, get kicked out. WHY?!? who says that we cant be good parents? Yea, sure, s may have gone through more experiences, but most new moms have never even held a baby in their life (as with my mom), and i babysit, and all the parents say that the kids behave better for me than they do with them. I dont care what older people think we are capable of, but i think that some teenagers can be fit mothers.
well perosnally i dont belive age makes the parent - there are pleanty of peasents on the eastate near me who have kids into there 30's and 40's and frankly they shouldnt be allowed to breed

one fo my freinds got pregnant at 15 - she was a smart girl really nice , just had an accident and didnt want a abortion and now does an excellent job with her little boy. she meets his needs so well and he adores her compare that to the idiot scrubber parentswho are married or w/e and let there kids smoke and run around dirty and dont feed them a healthy deit and complain to the tax man all the time they cant find work

welll my firend does get support form the goverment but guess what ? she will be starting university next year and is currantly in full time education - it hasnt been easy but i resent anyone who tell me shes a bad mum.
I agree! I'm a 17 year old mother to a 2 year old, 2 month old, and I'm pregnant, and personally, I think im a great mom! It's hard, but I do it everyday, and I think I'm successful. My mom was a TERRIBLE mother. She would tell me to go out and party, and drink and have sex. I was stupid and didn't know better so I listened. Some parents can be really bad, and so can teen parents, but not ALL teen parents. There's no reason for a teen parent to be bad.
I personally would want to be a young mother over an older one ,

because I see people have good and bad relationships with there moms,

and I personally think that young mothers relate more to their teen ,

You could be more protective friends instead of mean mom .

but thats just my opinion.
i agree with you i was 14 when i had my son and everyone looked down on me now I'm doing great i work full tI'me i have my own house and im a very good mother. i know plenty of women who did not have their children at a young age and they are on drugs so bad that DHR had to take their kids.
this is a thought from the modern world. not very long ago women and yes they are women were married off and began starting families at the age of 12 - 14. age doesn't make a good parent, instincts do. i am 20 had my first son at 19 and i've had people tell me they think i'm a better mother than some people who have 5 kids. it is a person to person situtation and i've gotten ';the look'; for more than enough people and i just smile. you can't make everyone happy so just make your own!
Yeah, anyone can be a bad parents, but I think people feel that when a teenager gets pregnant, it's a lot harder, than a adult who is independent and probably more prepared. I guess an adult has an easier start than a teen.
I think that if your a bad parent, which their allot these days. You see it where ever you go. They show and send bad messages to the young on how to raise a child. So you really can't blame the young teens, because they were never taught right.
I know! I know a lot of adult parents that just don't care, and a lot of teen parents that at least try and do their best! Sure, the teen parents may not have been responsible, but the adults weren't either! It's ridiculous!
your completely right! im 14, i have a daughter and im pregnant with triplets i love my life and we are doing wonderfully! im a better parent then my friends parents, so not all teen parents do good, but not all do bad.

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